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Songs of Praise in the Time of Covid 19

By Guest Author: Carole Schauer | Published on 9/15/2020

Songs of Praise in the Time of Covid 19

By Guest Author:  Carole Schauer

            Some may say it is the worst of times. I say it can be the best of times. Months into the Covid 19 pandemic, I find myself reaping the rewards of staying at home. 

            I am spending less money so my checking account is growing. Dining out, buying clothes, getting haircuts, pedicures and massages, filling my car with gas, traveling abroad, and buying a sundry of other items have gone by the wayside. My surplus has been moved to my savings. Hallelujah!   

            No longer do I have to put on make-up and fix my hair every day. The drudgery of the daily ordeal with make-up is gone. As to my hair, it is a lost cause, except I may actually end up with a new do at the end of the day. For years, I have tried to grow out my hair, only to find the ever increasing length unbearable, so I would give up and have it cut. But now, I am forced to live with it, so I am looking forward to something new.  Whoopee!

            Since there is nowhere to go, I love spending my days in fleece wear. Comfortable and easy to care for, this clothing can't be beat. I love not having to get dressed up for church, doctor's appointments, and meetings. I wish I could spend the rest of my life like this. Hooray!

            I have few, if any, scheduled appointments. It is such a pleasure not to be called upon to go to a required activity, where I have to perform some task or meet some obligation. Even better, I don't have to deal with persons who I find especially irksome at these activities. Currently, even one appointment, albeit through a video-conference, seems to be a hardship and jostles me out of my ongoing reverie of nothingness. I look upon it with dread and anticipation of getting it over with. My days are my own. To an introvert, this is heaven. Yippee!


            No longer do I experience guilt over not working out at the gym or attending my cross-fit swim class, because they are off limits. Mustering up the willpower and energy to go to these activities is a distant memory. Huzzah!

            Long gone is the colonoscopy that was to greet my return from wintering in Florida. I know that one day I will have to face it, but for now what a pleasure not to undergo the prep and all that follows. For that matter, my annual gynecological exam was done by phone conference. This may conjure up unwanted images, but no table and stirrups were a part of this exam. Hot dog! 

            Best of all, I now get to spend hours on the phone, FaceTime, Zoom, and email conversing with family and friends, some whom I haven't communicated with in months. Heart-to-heart discussions, lively banter, in-depth exchanges, and Covid related cartoons and humor help the long days go by. Glory be!